
Categories : Educative Technology, Interactive Solutions,
Cyber Cube
ServicesCyber Cube
LocationRiyadh • KSA
  • #CyberCube
  • #Immersive
  • #Immersiveroom
  • #InteractiveTechnology
  • #Digitalcave
  • #ExperientialTechnology
  • #ExperientialMarketing
  • #ExhibitionTechnology
  • #EventTechnology
  • #PTL
  • #PushTheLimits

How to educate about cyber attacks?
This is the problematic that PTL was asked to answer. Coming up with this concept of digital cave, we created different scenarios of cyber attacks.

Players would be first briefed in an immersive way about the scenario and landscape they’d be immersed in. Once this step done, players were asked to go through each of the wall of this immersive room, to fight the cyber attacker.
Each wall represented a livestage of the cyber attack.

cyber cube


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